Stories linking everyone in Telecom
Picture of Anton Pustovoi

Anton Pustovoi

A multidisciplinary specialist with a vast experience both in marketing agencies and tech companies. Passionate about world of SaaS and stories to tell people.
Great stories happen to those who can tell them
5G 101: Transformative Leap or Vanity Technology?

5G 101: Transformative Leap or Vanity Technology?

5G is here, but so many questions remain. Where is the telecom world heading with it? How do 5G networks work? Is a 5G platform worth investing in? And what regions are making good headway? Here, our investigative team at PortaOne tries to collect all the answers and figure out once and for all what today’s communication services providers should do with 5G.

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profitable cloud PBX service

Want to Deliver a More Profitable Cloud PBX Service? Don’t Sell a Product, Sell Productivity

Looking for some new ideas for expanding your cloud PBX service? You’ve come to the right blog. True, this may at first seem like a typical PortaOne big-picture story about the history of change in telecom – but in reality it’s an idea factory for unlocking new cloud PBX and call center revenue streams. (And cultivating stronger customer relationships while you’re at it.)

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Softswitch Story

Softswitch: The Rise and Fall of a Buzzword (and the Real Tech Facts Behind the Hype)

You’ve heard the term, you followed the trend back in the day, and now you might even think that softswitch is in the rear-view mirror in the telecom industry. Well, there’s more to the softswitch story than you think! And guess what: our friend the softswitch is not missing, it’s just transformed. So join us as we delve into the past, present, and future of this fundamental system and explore the impact it has had (and continues to have) on the modern telecommunications landscape.

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MVNOs in Nigeria

The Dawn of MVNOs in Nigeria: The Big Race Has Begun

Nigeria’s telecom landscape is undergoing a seismic shift, with new legislation that allows Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs) to enter the market. With 31 new MVNO licenses already granted by the Nigerian Communications Commission under a new tiered framework, competition is set to reshape the sector. In this story, we uncover the unique role that MVNOs will play in innovation, connectivity, and free consumer choice. We’ll also dive into the key strategies for success that are determining which MVNO in Nigeria will win.

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