Stories linking everyone in Telecom
Picture of Oleg Shevtsov

Oleg Shevtsov

Oleg’s entire working career has been within the telecom industry. He values working software and happy customers. As part of PortaOne since 2008, first as Support Manager and now as a head of Project Management Department, where he and his colleagues help telcos successfully roll out their digital products.
Fixed Mobile Convergence: What’s the Right Way to Connect a Distributed Workforce?

UCaaS, CCaaS, and Fixed Mobile Convergence: What’s the Right Way to Connect a Distributed Workforce?

There are so, so many apps that can support mobile communications and team collaboration for businesses: at home, in the office, even across geographical boundaries. So many in fact that many businesses are finding themselves overwhelmed by the different channels, or even constrained by the limits of each app’s capabilities. In this story, we take a look at an alternative for the remote workplace: Fixed Mobile Convergence (FMC). Read on to find out how this mobile communications alternative is changing the UCaaS game once again.

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How to Launch an MVNO

How to Launch an MVNO (Fast)

This story builds on our recent MVNO article and digs deeper into the nuances of the MVNO launch stage. Like childbirth, the launch of an MVNO has a profound impact – this time on the future of the business. Following best practices and avoiding common mistakes can improve your chance of success.

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